NaPoWriMo 30: Sisyphian nightmare of the DWP

He sighed, a heavy weary sigh,eternally pushing the boulder was easier than this,but he must begin again.Dreams seemed faded now,a long forgotten memory half jotted down on a tattered notepadlost in an unused chest.The robotic voice chirpsa brusk reply of denial,ancient are the daysof talking to another soulin this age of cold convenience.His eyelids areContinue reading “NaPoWriMo 30: Sisyphian nightmare of the DWP”

NaPoWriMo 28: Play

Whether it’s an adventure through darkest forests,uncovering ancient conspiracies, the layers buried deep in the landscape,or exploring the deep blackness of forever,to build a fantasy is a noble pastime.Lose yourself in the love of playand to those who want you to unlearn your imaginations: when your inner child died, did you mourn?

NaPoWriMo 26: Ook

The fool looped and bloomeda cartoon for the cartelof kings, queens and royalty to the root.He raised the roofand threw shoots the moon.He was aloof,raising a boot to power but the mood soured with jokes made too soonand the room oozed a doomed mood.A hood, a cowel,and a hook fetched at paceand he’s broomed fromContinue reading “NaPoWriMo 26: Ook”

NaPoWriMo 25: Daily Catch

Rows of stickleback housestumble down the hillsideand crash into the foaming, angry seawith a cacophony of soaring splashing spray. It’s a battle as old as time,Grey still stone standing strong againstthe impending force of ancient waterrelentlessly toing and froing with the whims of the lunar mother. Fishermen make daily war with the Posiedonclawing at theContinue reading “NaPoWriMo 25: Daily Catch”